Learn Your Design with the

Intro to Human Design Course


Ready to make life easier?

Before you can really start using Human Design, you'll need to know how to even begin with reading your chart.

When you first create your chart or see it, it can be overwhelming to say the least!

This course will help break down the most important aspects for you to start using your Human Design today.

If you're ready to start living in alignment with your energy so that living in harmony feels easier, manifesting the life you want feels attainable, and you want to feel free to be your most authentic self, this course is for you!

In this course, we go over the 5 Human Design Types, including their strategies, signatures, and not-self themes.

This course will help you understand:

- How you're meant to operate in the world

- How things happen most naturally for you (not everyone is made for "just doing it")

- What alignment feels like to your body so you know what you're aiming for

- What misalignment feels like to your body so you know what to work through

The information included is explained in a way that helps you start living in alignment with your energy today.

Welcome to your Human Design Journey!

Intro to Human Design Course
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